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Council Meeting Schedule

Regularly scheduled Newton City Council meetings are held at 6:00 pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month. The City Council meetings and committee meetings are held at City Hall located at 108 N. Van Buren in Newton. 

Meeting dates for 2024:

Jan. 2 and 16
Feb. 6 and 20
March 5 and 19
April 2 and 16
May 7 and 21
June 4 and 18
July 2 and 16
Aug. 6 and 20
Sept. 3 and 17
Oct. 1 and 15
Nov. 5 and 19
Dec. 3 and 17

“It is the public policy of this State that public bodies exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business and that the people have a right to be informed as to the conduct of their business.” (5 ILCS 120/1)

The intent of the Illinois Open Meetings Act is to ensure that public business is conducted in public view by prohibiting secret deliberations and actions on matters that should be discussed in a public forum.

The Act reflects the balance between the rights of the public against the needs of government officials to be able to discuss sensitive matters candidly by excepting particular narrowly-construed circumstances under which a meeting may be held in closed session. The Office of the Attorney General understands that access to meetings helps to ensure the accountability of government to its citizens.

Open Meetings Act


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